work-life blend

Create a Results Oriented Work Environment that successfully Achieves The Objectives of your Organization (Kingsley Grant Show)

Create a Results Oriented Work Environment that successfully Achieves The Objectives of your Organization (Kingsley Grant Show)

I recently appeared on the Kingsley Grant Podcast. In this episode, we discuss how to create a Results Oriented Work Environment. I also share some of the tactics successful businesses use to help their employees do their best work, offer insights on how to build a 30-day strategic roadmap, and review how to run effective meetings.

Opening your business after mandatory closure or slowdown? Reboot your business and your life with these 5 steps.

Opening your business after mandatory closure or slowdown? Reboot your business and your life with these 5 steps.

As you look to reopen or scale up your business again, follow these five steps to improve your operations and begin to create the work-life blend that is just right for you.

The Five Minute Meditation That Will Keep You Sane

The Five Minute Meditation That Will Keep You Sane

At any given time, my wife and I can have as many as eight (yes 8!) kids from between 12 and 21 living in our house. All of us are now forced to work and study from home, although I have been running my business out of my home for almost four years--with all these kids around! Here’s a quick five-minute meditation that can vent off stress and help you show up as your best self.

Creating Your Unique Work-Life Blend

Creating Your Unique Work-Life Blend

For entrepreneurs and visionaries, having work-life balance is a myth. Before I go any further, let’s make sure we are talking about …