The Five Minute Meditation That Will Keep You Sane

The Mayo Clinic calls meditation a “simple, fast way to reduce stress.”

At any given time, my wife and I can have as many as eight (yes 8!) kids from between 13 and 22 living in our house. All of us are now forced to work and study from home, although I have been running my business out of my home for almost four years--with all these kids around! Here’s a quick five-minute meditation that can vent off stress and help you show up as your best self.

  1. Find as quiet and as private of a place as you can. Close the door and lay on your back.

  2. Breathe normally. After a few breaths, be thoughtful of your breath, imagine that you are breathing pure white air into your lungs and exhaling dark air out. The white air represents positive energy and the dark air negative energy. Continue this for a minute, imagining that the air you're breathing out becomes progressively more gray and then eventually white. Visualize the stress and negative energy being gently displaced by the positive energy of the in-breath. Eventually it becomes positive energy in and positive energy out.

  3. Next, imagine and visualize stress and anxiety leaving your body following like energy out through your hands and feet. Feel yourself deflating like a balloon as the negative energy flows out of you. Do this for a minute or so.

  4. Lastly, and you should be feeling pretty chill now, imagine each muscle group in your body relaxing. Visualize this. Feet. Legs. Chest. So on. Do this for a minute or two.

    This active form of meditation works to calm you, to lower your blood pressure, and to give you a moment to care for yourself.


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