Pushing EOS® into the departmental level before it’s up and running at the company level, and why that’s a trap

Lately, I’ve been noticing a trend with some of my clients. While self-implementing EOS®, they attempt to push it to the departmental level before it’s fully up and running at the company level. Some businesses have even tried to implement EOS only at the departmental level. Here’s why this is a bad idea.

Business priorities come from the top.
EOS is designed to drive focus and simplicity first and foremost at the company level. The reason it begins at the very highest level is simple: The business priorities and vision must come from the top. How else can each department know if what it is focusing on is right for the business as a whole? The role of each department is to support the company priorities and vision. Departmental Rocks and Issues should flow from the companywide Rocks and Issues.

Give your leadership team time to get on board.
There’s another reason EOS begins at the company level. The business’s vision and roadmap must be fully vetted and accepted by your leadership team before EOS is ready to be implemented into the rest of your company. Sometimes this takes time. You might discover that what felt spot on in the beginning actually needs some tweaking. You won’t regret giving your leadership team time — sometimes up to a quarter or two — to get comfortable with the new business operating system.

EOS is a deliberate, disciplined approach that takes time.
I believe one of the reasons some businesses try to push EOS into the departmental level too early is because they are looking for a magic pill. They’ve heard about EOS and are hoping it can be a quick fix in the departments that need the most urgent help.

EOS is not a quick fix. Rather, it is a deliberate, disciplined approach to changing the culture of your business. It requires patience and determination. If you’re self-implementing EOS, you will want to quit at some point. But if you can firmly embed EOS into your company’s foundation, the benefits of the operating system are monumental.


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