The Most Crucial Decision You will Have To Make This Year.

A business that runs like a well-oiled machine. Time to do more of what you truly love to do. More joy and happiness in your life. Everyone in your business rowing in the same direction--toward your vision. As you imagine 2020, what comes to mind regarding your vision for your business? For your life? How are you feeling about your situation in life? What is working and what needs to change for you to have the life you dream of?

Success in business and in life comes from charting a course to a future state and then relentlessly doing what is necessary to achieve the milestones along the way. It is about confidence and a positive mindset. It is about determination and grit. 

As you look to 2020 and an improved future, choose now to get started. Commit to starting, from where you are right now, wherever that is, and imagine what you want for your business and yourself in 2020. Determine in your mind that what you imagine for 2020 can be your reality and steady yourself to overcome the obstacles before you. 

I am not saying that simply choosing to start is all it takes or that it is going to be easy. In fact, meaningful, life-changing, transformational change is almost impossible by yourself but only you can choose that essential first step--to get started.

Once you have chosen to get started, here are three steps you can take to gain quick traction:

  1. List what you really love doing both at work and at home--those things you wish you could do more of.

    • Spending more time in this zone will positively impact you and your business, so honestly listing them is an important first step..

  2. Write down what you want to change in your life--what you want to be different.

    • Be brutally honest.

    • This exercise will help you better define what you want in your unique work/life blend.

  3. Put your vision on paper. 

    • This four-part exercise will help you create a more focused vision for 2020 and beyond.

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Choosing to get started and taking a handful of initial steps are essential elements to transformational change in your business and your life.

I would love to hear about your plans for 2020, where you are now and where you want to be. To learn more about how I help my clients get started, go to Thank you for inviting me to be part of your entrepreneurial journey.


To continue to grow and learn please visit my resources page and check out a few of my other articles and free tools.

If you are ready to begin the process of creating a work-life blend that is right for you, and help your people do the same, please click here.

If improving business operations is at the top of your list click here or if you want to reach me directly, click here.